Wednesday 7 January 2015

Phil Kessel Interview January 7 2015

Phil Kessel has been known to be aloof and elusive when it comes to the media. At first it may have seemed like he was shy or possibly insecure in front of the cameras. After having watched him for several years now I have come to the conclusion that he just feels like he is better than everyone else. Watch this recent interview when Kessel is asked if he is a difficult player to coach. He immediately goes on the defensive stating; You think its my fault. Eventually he refers to the reporter as an idiot and terminates the interview.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The media so scared to ask the tough questions of the Leaf players. Was Kessel the rat who went to management sniveling about removing Carlyle was he among a group of rats. Kessel is a guy who doesn't like being told what to do.Players follow his lead over management. We know if a manager orders instead of being gentle and kind the workers tend to shut down and revolt.Was Kessel the lone rat or one group of rats force the captain off the sinking ship.Media stop treating these guys like a bunch of babies in the dressing room and hit them with the tough questions. Who really cares what naughty words Kessel uses to describe the media. Do your job!