Saturday 10 January 2015

Clarkson Takes Out Ref

This may arguably be David Clarkson's biggest impact on the ice since coming to the Leafs. Obviously I am being facetious but in reality lets take a look at Clarkson and his role on the Toronto Maple Leafs.

David ClarksonDavid Clarkson was signed as a Free Agent by Toronto in July 2013. He had previously played for the New Jersey Devils. After having an arguably one somewhat decent season and a good half season due to the lock out the Maple Leafs organization decided to reward Clarkson with a large multi -year contract. At 5.25 million for 7 years it would appear that Clarkson is a giant bust. In the 100 or so games he has played with the Maple Leafs he has 24 points. Just 14 goals. Last season he had a total of 11 points over 60 games and was a -14 to boot. I can't imagine a much worse deal made in recent history even by the Maple Leafs. Rick DiPietro and Alexi Yashin however due come to mind. If he is not going to put up big numbers at the very least we should expect Clarkson be some sort of catalyst for the team. A hard nosed grinder that you can rely on to make the big plays when the chips are down. Unfortunately it appears that Clarkson is doomed to continue playing the role he is currently in, that of a third line winger. Playing with the likes of Leo Komarov and Mike Santorelli, Clarkson seems to fit in nicely. But, at over 5 million dollars is that really the best bang for your buck? I think not. Dump Clarkson at the earliest possibility. I doubt he can be traded at that salary. Possibly the Leafs could use a compliance buy out to ride themselves of this terrible investment. 

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