Wednesday 1 June 2011

Vancouver Canucks win game #1 of the Stanley Cup Final

Raffi Torres of the Vancouver Canucks scored the only goal of the game with just 19 seconds left in the third period. It was a dual between the two goaltenders Tim Thomas (Bruins) and Roberto Luongo (Canucks). Don Cherry spoke after the game and stated his opinion that the game was a dissapointment because of the way both teams played with the exception of the goaltenders. Running two lines for most of the third period Alain Vigneault the Canucks Head Coach decided to put Raffi Torres who is more of a depth player then a top liner. The gamble paid off as Torres received a pass from Ryan Kesler to slide it past Thomas and into the back of the net.
Game #2 of the Stanley Cup final will be held in Vancouver this saturday evening.

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