Friday 6 May 2011

Toronto Maple Leafs Free Agents 2011

"According to, the Toronto Maple Leafs have $21.2 million in cap space to spend in the offseason. While that seems like a lot, the Leafs have 12 free agents to either re-sign or let walk away."

Lets break this down in simple to understand terms. Brian Burke has 12 players currently on his roster that require a new contract. Plus in addition to this he has the option of signing other free agents from around the league. This all has to be done within the limited cap space which is left. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize that there is just too many players and not enough money to go around. With all the talk of Burke going after a high priced free agent like Brad Richards, this leaves even less money in the coffers.

Taking a look at the current Leaf squad:

J.S. Giguere  unrestricted   $6 million
- not likely to be back unless there is a drastic paycut, even then I would say its doubtful the Leafs will be getting Giggy with it next season

Fredrik Sjostrom  unrestricted  $ 750,000
- there is absolutley no reason to keep this guy around. It's not likely we will see him anywhere near the NHL next season

Tim Brent  unrestricted $575,000
-Brent showed some character and alot of heart, becoming a clutch player and shutdown penalty killer at times. I see the Leafs offering him a contract at upwards of $1 million per year.

Darryl Boyce  unrestricted   $527,500
-hard working forward who had a successfull season. I see the Leafs keeping him around most likely spending the majority of his time with the Marlies with the occasional call up. Similar financial figures.

Joey Crabb  unrestricted  $525,000
-similar to Darryl Boyce and Tim Brent. Had a solid year and shows some potential. Will likely spend the season with the Marlies but I would wager that the Leafs keep him around at a similar salary level.

Jay Rosehill  unrestricted $512,500
-again similar situation to the above mentioned players. If cost cutting is on the board then Rosehill may be one to go and possibly another one of the last four but I wouldn't mind seeing him next year at a similar salary

Tyler Bozak  Restricted  $ 3, 725,000
-a sizable investment that has yet to bear any fruit. If the Leafs decide to keep him it will be at a much reduced salary. Could benefit from some time in the minors. Under a million per yr tops or else let him go.

Carl Gunnarson  Restricted $ 800,000
-not my favourite Leafs defenceman but did have an arguably good year. I personally would let him go but the Leafs may hang on at just over a million per year.

Matt Lashoff  Restricted  $ 550,000
-did not spend much time with the Leafs last year but did see some success. However, I don't see the Leafs keeping him on in anything more than a Marlies role with a similar salary. Likely will be let go.

Luke Schenn  Restricted  $ 2, 975,000
-a good stay at home defenceman. Part of the core of the club. I don't see Burke letting him go anywhere. Will sign an extension with a sizable increase in salary. Look upwards of $4 million per yr.

James Reimer  Restricetd $ 596, 667
-a  breakout season for "Optimus Reim" puts him at the forefront of negotiations. He is not going anywhere and will recive a large increase in salary along with an extended contract. Let's say $ 3 million.

Clarke MacArthur  Restricted  $ 1, 100, 000
-another highly touted free agent, MacArthur should receive a considerable wage increase. At least double last year, if Burke doesn't get a good deal and trade him first.

When speaking about the future of Tim Brent, Darryl Boyce and Joey Crabb Brian Burke stated;

"They've made it very interesting for us...We expected them to play most or all of the year with the Marlies. Now we have decisions to make."

Even if all of my projections come true that still leaves Burke with enough salary cap space to sign a big name centre. Look for moves to be made around the Draft and Free Agency. It should be exciting.

Hopefully we will see the return of Thomas Kaberle. Fingers crossed.

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