Thursday 12 May 2011

Sean Avery for HRC's NYers 4 Marriage Equality

The comments by Sean Avery supporting gay marriage in New York has garnered alot of media attention and controversy lately. Most recently a sportscaster from Rogers Sportsnet has been fired regarding his views on the topic. Yes this is an important topic in today's society but what I am wondering is; What does this have to do with hockey? Is this just another one of Sean Avery's publicity stunts or does he actually support this movement? Notice how his comments weren't made until after the New York Rangers were knocked out of the playoffs but yet he made them while the playoffs were still ongoing. Is this guy fro real or does he just have some unnatural desire to be in the public eye. It is one thing to have a well known likable hockey player advocating the rights of a certain group but when Sean Avery does it, it has almost a negative connotation. What other famous professional athletes are also advocating this cause. My own opinions aside, I am really questioning Avery's sincerity regarding the subject.
I look forward to your comments.

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