Sunday 17 April 2011

TSN Reports Return Of The NHL To Winnipeg Season Ticket Drive By TNSE

It's so close I can almost taste it. The hype surrounding the return of the NHL has never been stronger and I suspect it is just a matter of time before the deal between True North and the NHL is realeased to the public. What I suspect is happening right now is that True North is trying to prove to the NHL that Winnipeg can in fact support an NHL hockey team once again.

The MTS Centre which holds 15,000 + seats is a little small for the liking of the NHL which sees an average arena size of upwards of 20,000.

Yes there has been talk that the MTS Centre can be expanded. To what capacity I am unsure, but what we do know is that the arena will have to be filled close to capacity for each and every game. We also know that concession sales at the MTS Centre are owned by True North as well. This was not the case when the Jets left 15 years ago.

Something that will also likely be on the table is the issue of broadcasting the home games. As is done with the Blue Bombers it is likely that the new NHL teamwould have a blackout in local regions until all seats are sold for that game. The average ticket sale I suspect would be near 100$. This may be alittle steep for the average Manitoban. It is noted that the economy of Manitoba is much better today then it was when the Jets left. The median family income is higher and the population of the local area has increased signifigantly. This combined with the strong Canadian dollar compared to U.S. currency makes the financial viability of a team in Winnipeg more likely than ever.

Put all of this in the mix adding in the deap pockets of Mark Chipman and the Thompson family and it appears that at least fiscally, an NHL team in Winnipeg is a viable option.

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