Saturday 5 March 2011

Leafs vs Hawks. Too little too late.

Saturday night the Leafs took on the eight place Chicago Blackhawks. 4 points out of a playoff berth themselves, each game has become a do or die situation for the Leafs.

The Blackhawks jumped out to an early 3-0 in the first period due to some lack lustre play by the leafs in particular the tender James Reimer. Allowing two more goals in the second Reimer would not start the third period. J.S. Giguere was summoned from the bench to close out the game.

In the third period the Leafs started to shine. If only the Leafs had played the entire game like they did in the third, this one would have been a true delight. Unfortunately, even with a multitude of chances in the final frame, the Leafs would go down this night by a final of 5-2.

There are some things I would like to note regarding the Leafs performance. In particular, the goal tending. I have had enough time to thoroughly evaluate James Reimer and his worthiness as an NHL starting goaltender. I have come to the conclusion that he may not be entirely ready for the spot he has been thrown into. Yes his play has been decent and yes he does seem to have the maturity and poise to be a valid starter. However, I have some concerns regarding his glove hand and his ability to sustain the constant pressure which the media and Leaf nation pour down on any main role Leaf player. Does Reimer have what it takes to bring the Leafs into the post season? We will have to wait and see.
Secondly I have a concern regarding J.S. Giguere and the Leafs coaching/managing group. It is well known that Giggy is nursing an injured groin yet he remains the back up tender sitting on the bench. Knowing what I know from high school physiology, a injured groin like Don Cherry stated, is going to take a long time to warm up. Any physical activity while cold will increase the chances of further injury. This add the fact that Giggy is an aged goalie in his thirties says to me that a back up role may not be the best fight. If you notice whenever he is put in to replace Reimer it is always following a period intermission. Is this because he requires extra time to warm up? If this is the case I would argue that a back-up role which requires constant readiness is not the most responsible role to be put in. Yes I know he makes 6 million a year and the Leafs are not likely to have him next year but why not bring up another youngster like Ben Scrivens who is at the beginning of his career and can use the NHL exposure?
Food for thought.

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